Saint Expedito 20cm


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Saint Expedito was born in Armenia, where he was martyred in the year 303 AD – A time of persecution of Christians by emperors, including Dioclesian. Saint Expedito was a Roman soldier, and on the day of his conversion he decided to follow Jesus Christ – Saying: “It is TODAY (today) my change of LIFE, TODAY is my conversion”. Evil, in the form of a bird (crow) crasna, Cras – Cras, a Latin word that means: tomorrow – Leave for tomorrow your conversion – your change of life. With the right foot, Santo Expedito tramples the crow, confirming his faith and his quick decision, showing that TODAY is really his change of life. St. Expedito, with this example, tells us that tomorrow can never be, or a delay in prompt assistance through his intercession to Jesus Christ, to meet our daily needs, could cause serious inconvenience and problems in our homes. Due to these facts, Santo Expedito is known as the Saint of today, of speed and immediacy. Therefore, if you have a problem that is difficult to solve, ask the Holy One of Urgent Causes for protection and help.


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